April 28, 2018 Mr. D’s Pizza and Pub

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Saturday April 28, 2018 Lucilles Bloody Mary Mix teamed up with Mr. D’s Pizza and Pub for their semi-annual Tour de le Mr. D’s Poker Run. This year’s event made 5 stops at local bars in and around Stockton. The semi-annual poker run is a great event for local businesses and the 80 plus riders who participated. 

We started the morning making Bloody Marys for the riders and returned in the afternoon to make Micheladas. We sold out of our pre-made mix of 10 gallons of the New Orleans Nippy. 

When the riders returned from the Poker Run a few had some scrapes, bruises, and Sylvano Garcia received several stitches..(side note Sylvano has received treatment, from the Band-Aid Crew 3 out of the 5 runs.) All and all it was an amazing event. I would like to thank Rose Castillo the owner of Mr. D’s for the opportunity to have Lucille’s apart of this event.

Not only does Mr. D’s serve Stocktonians with cold beer and great food they also now serve Lucilles Bloody Mary Mix.

Special thanks to:

Expressions Entertainment; Dj’s Jason Ente and Gary Sison

Serving Lucilles Bloody Mary Mix; Courtney, Ramon, & Nicole,

Mr. D’s staff; Roseana, Chris, Sam, and Willie

Mr. D’s owner, Rose Castillo


    Sylvano Garcia’s 3/5 Poker Run seeking medical services
Rose Castillo, owner of Mr. D’s


Chris Leos & Nicole Reyes serving Micheladas


Courtney & Chris Leos serving Bloody Mary drinks


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